The Ledbury

Where to eat

Notting Hill's 2 Michelin Starred restaurant

Step into the culinary journey of this two-Michelin-starred gem that has undeniably left its mark on London's vibrant dining landscape. The secret behind it's success? The head chef will argue it's all about the ingredients. Prepare to be captivated by the unique allure of hand-reared delicacies sourced directly from their own estate. Picture succulent deer and freshly foraged mushrooms, elegantly gracing the menu with their exquisite flavours. Securing a reservation at this renowned spot might pose a challenge, but a last minute call ahead could work wonders in securing your spot on the day. While the lunch menu offers an amazing and slightly more budget-friendly option, we wholeheartedly recommend indulging in the full experience. Trust us; it's an investment worth making to uncover a genuine homage to the British countryside woven into every dish.

127 Ledbury Rd, Notting Hill, London W11 2AQ, United Kingdom


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